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Bartolomeo Ammannati’s drawing notebook

(Ed. rara 120)

As early as 1920, Enrico Rostagno attributed to Bartolomeo Ammannati these folios, which had always belonged to the Riccardi family. Without following any precise chronological order, someone put them together in the course of the XIX century. The drawings may be part of the section on theory in the volume (now at the Uffizi) known as The Ideal City.

Dating from 1545 to 1570, these 114 folios are covered with drawings, sketches, and notes that address subjects as diverse as math, geometry, architecture, studies on fortresses, and measurement systems. As a whole, they may serve as preparatory material for a full-fledged treatise. In addition to architecture drawing (based on recognizable buildings, such as Vasari’s Uffizi Palace) this collection includes preliminary sketches of various objects, decorations, and statues that the author planned to make.

This digital facsimile has been realized in collaboration with the
Museo Nazionale del Bargello

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